Thursday, 30 October 2008


Do not adjust this blog. Normal service will resume shortly.


Jeannie said...

Aargh - that's the scary Life on Mars chickie!!

Hope you are feeling way better.

meloncholick said...
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timothymarcjones said...

I'm still ill, but I'll see what sapphic action I can rustle up.

Jeannie said...

PS Just realised was being slightly obscure, unless you've actually watched Life on Mars - the little blonde girl talks to the main protaganist. Great show.

My youngest son has somehow picked up the flu now, poor wee mite. He also has horrible diarrhoea, which I sincerely hope you were spared!

timothymarcjones said...

Shame, poor little tyke.I'm on the mend and no runs, thank the lord.