After dissing emoticons in the last post , I fear I’ve made some people coy about using them in future. While I think a world without with emoticons is a fabulous idea, I realize I may have dissuaded folks from ending their netspeak grunts with these trite semaphores of shite.
So, without any further ado, I present…. Arsecons! Impress your friends and astound your neighbours! Start using them today.
(_!_) a regular arse
(__!__) a fat arse
(!) a tight arse
(_._) a flat arse
(_*_) a sore arse
(_x_) kiss my arse
(_?_) Dumb arse
you are a genius. Or should that be genie's arse?
Thank you, my dear.
And the word is geniarse.
serie-arsely classy and tasteful! I think i will have to try them out on my stepsons!
You ARE a geniarse my friend. I'm feeling like a bit of a (____!____) today so I'm off to yoga now. Hope I don't get a (__*__). If I do I'll tell the yoga teacher to (__x__).
Oh and what about arsehole (__o__)
The virarse replicates remarkably quickly, I'm warning you. Soon your speech will be peppered with arse (we are just-living proof). Neal Stephenson : Arse Crash.
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